Sabtu, 27 November 2010


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Jumat, 26 November 2010

World of rattan

Each year, the country supplies about 80 percent of world rattan. Of that amount, about 90 percent of cane produced from tropical forest on the island of Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi.
Perhaps the rattan plant familiar enough for some communities in Indonesia. Moreover, this plant has long been used as raw material for various crafts and furniture in Indonesia and other countries such as China, South Korea, and Europe. In fact, the results of the various artisan crafts rattan homeland appreciated quite expensive ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars even though the price of raw materials initially only around USD 50-80 per kg.
Currently, competition and trade handicraft rattan furniture is not only happening at the national level, but also international. That's because since the last 10 years many countries began to realize the high economic value that can be obtained through a variety of handicrafts of rattan. As a result, now the world rattan trade is not only dominated Indonesian businessman, but also businessmen from China, Europe such as Italy, and South Korea.
Based on information from the Forestry Department's Web site, rattan comes from the Malay language 'expression' which means to peel, peel, or smoothing. This plant is included in the plant family Palmae species as Lepidocaryodidae. The term comes from the Greek word meaning includes the size of the fruit.
Rattan is one of the biological resources of Indonesia and became one producer of foreign exchange is quite large. Besides known as handicrafts exporter of rattan, Indonesia also known as the largest supplier of raw materials. Each year, the country supplies about 80 percent of world rattan. Of that amount, about 90 percent of cane produced from tropical forest on the island of Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. Meanwhile, the rest is produced from the cultivation of rattan. Indonesian rattan export value in 1992 reached 208.183 million U.S. dollars. Meanwhile, the rest of the world's supply of rattan needs met by Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh.
In Indonesia, the rattan industry is divided into two main areas, raw material supplier and manufacturer of rattan. Currently, the central area of raw material suppliers are in Kalimantan and Sulawesi. In Kalimantan, one of the province's largest raw material supplier is in Central Kalimantan. In the province, there are areas named Katingan in which nearly 90 per cent of the forest filled with rattan. While in Sulawesi, rattan shipping terminals located in Palu, Central Sulawesi, and Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. Both the city serves as the terminal end of the delivery of raw materials in the two provinces which were imported from various rattan-producing areas in the mountains.
Rattan plants generally live berumpun and growing spread in the hilly and mountainous areas with altitudes between 300-1000 meters above sea level. These plants generally grow creeping above the ground and then climbing and twining around a tree trunk.
At the base of the stem of rattan plants are hump. The trunk grows straight upward until approximately 2 to 2.5 meters. After reaching that height, rattan rod will curve. Like bamboo, rattan sticks were edged 15-30 inch range with a diameter ranging from 2-8 centimeters. Meanwhile, when young, usually rattan sticks are green and begin to turn yellow when ripen. However, there are several types of rattan that color is not changed and remains green when older. However, the green color looks increasingly concentrated or older.
Unlike bamboo, this plant stems spiny midrib protected. Therefore, rattan farmers usually carry machetes as long as 60 centimeters as a tool for cutting, cleaning of thorns, and rattan peel skin for the stem can be taken.
In the forests of Indonesia, there are quite many types of rattan that grows. The number reached 300 species more. However, the type of rattan into industrial raw materials is only about 20-something. Of that number, only six types of rattan that used to be the commodity exports to various countries. From the recognition of large rattan collectors from Southeast Sulawesi, Umar Tjong, he usually perform five kinds of rattan export shipments to China and South Korea. They are rattan Coat, Batang, Tohiti, Karompu, and Jermasi. In addition, other rattan which can also be exported is the type of Sega. Meanwhile, other types of rattan that is often used as raw material for the national craft industry is manau, Tabu-Tabu, Suti, Bitter, Kubu, Track, Slimit, Worms, Semambu, and sticky rice.
Meanwhile, based on inventory data Directorate of Forestry Production Development ministry, from 143 million hectares of forest area in Indonesia is estimated rattan-covered forest area of approximately 13.2 million hectares. In addition, there are eight genera of rattan which consists of approximately 306 species, only 51 species have been exploited. While in Southeast Asia, there are over 516 species of rattan.

Rattan Processing
According to the cane farmer from the village of Kairi Amber Main Sub Latoma Konawe Sultra, Sumanto, rattan-making process in the woods at least consist of five stages over rattan plants are found. The first stage is to make sure whether the proper age rattan cutting. This can be known from the size and the color bar.
Meanwhile, the second stage is a thorny stem for easy clean cut. Meanwhile, the third phase is after tertebang, the skin can simply be skinned or left alone. Furthermore, the fourth stage is a rattan rod pounded by using a machete to ensure no thorn remains. Meanwhile, the fifth stage is the rattan is ready to be transported.
Broadly speaking, there are two processing raw rattan cane carelessly into semi-finished, ie, cooking with kerosene for medium and large sized wicker and rattan fumigation with sulfur to its small size. Cooking with oil is usually done by big collectors using three drums that have been cut in half and spliced into one. Furthermore, tens of rattan rod inserted into the pan drum previously filled kerosene. Ripening process varies considerably depending on size of fire and cooked the number of rattan. However, cooking is usually expected to take about 6-8 hours.
After cooking, rattan and dried to remove the oil content of the soil. When the weather is hot and no rain, drying is usually done about three days. Meanwhile, if the weather is humid and rainy, drying could take about a week. Processing continued with the process and the establishment of rattan peel in several sizes. Furthermore, semi-finished rattan ready for the market to meet the needs of domestic and foreign. m Bahr ilmi
Identification of some rattan:
1. Rattan Trunk (Daemonorops robustus Warb)Life berumpun and growing spread in the hilly and mountainous areas (300-1000 m asl). At the base of the stem, there is a hump that sticks straight up about 2 feet and then curved back to the ground. Trunk diameter less than 28 cm, 15-30 cm long segments, shiny dark green stem color cylindrical. Real segment and there are bumps on the stem midrib. Meanwhile, leaf midrib prickly as thorns barking at the top of the curved inward, between 2-4 cm long spines, petiole meeting at the midrib prickly, growing up more and more rare, form of tiered and flat spines irregularly
2. Rattan CoatLife berumpun grow on the riverbank or the lowlands and also frequently encountered in the mountains. Segment real stem, stem color chartreuse, 25-40 cm long segments with a diameter of 1-2 cm stem evenly until the end, the book flat on a circular segment and black where the vertebra at the bottom of the ledger and links on the top smaller and evenly to the ends of stems. Surface smooth and glossy stems.
3. Rattan BannermanSolitary life, where the growing spread of low-lying areas (river) to the high plains and hilly areas. Bright yellow stems greenish cylindrical, grooved, stem from the base to the tip of the greater, the length of stem segment between 25-40 cm, stem diameter at the tip of 2-4 cm. Road book straight circular rod and the color was evident. Long stems approximately 15-60 meters, the trunk wrapped in leaf midrib and there are couple of thorns that resemble circular facing downwards spiral, long yellow spines 3-5 mm.
4. Rattan TohitiSolitary living, growing spread evenly at an altitude of 300-1200 m, stems from the base to the tip of the larger, dark green trunk color, smooth, stems 15-120 m long, growing vertically upwards and then wrapped around the tree in the vicinity. Stem diameter at the base of 0.8 to 2 cm at the end between 2-4 cm and 20-35 cm long segment between equal to the ends of stems, books on tilted circular segment, black and curvy.
5. Rattan MilkSolitary growing spread evenly at an altitude of 250-500 m above sea level, especially often found on the outskirts of the river and in the humid lowlands. Stem yellow-green, with trunk diameters ranging from base to tip of midrib. Long stem diameter ranging from 1.5 m to adult cane can reach 28-40 mm. 15-40 cm long stem segment by segment rather thick book form a circular protruding sideways. Characteristic of the stem when cut will come out of water in the form of melted white sap like milk.
6. Rattan Red or Tai ChickenLife berumpun, spread from a height of 200 m above sea level until 500 m above sea level. Stems reddish brown, the stem wrapped in midrib, 20-30 cm long segments. Trunk diameter 4-8 mm, red stems from the base until the end of the flat, whereas at 15-20 m long branched forming a new stem. In each clump, there are ready to harvest rattan rod between 15-20 bars, with long stems ranged from 15-45 m. Berwarnaa dark green leaves, shaped wide in the middle and base leaves straight, serrated leaf edge and tapered at the tip of the leaf.

Kamis, 25 November 2010


DANCE MASK CIREBONCirebon Mask Dance, is one of the dance / traditional stories that are still living in the city of Cirebon and the surrounding areas.Broadly speaking Cirebon mask dance is composed of:1. Dance that is a giant (Danawa)2. Dance that is krodan (stout) for example: Ravana, Kangsa3. Dance Tumenggungan4. Dance Panji
From the fourth mask dance tradition can be developed, which has its own distinctive like:1. 
Dance Panji2. Samba Dance3. Dance Tumenggung4. Dance Rumyang5. Dance Kelana / Ravana6. Orange Dance Anom7. Dance pins8. Dance chubby
However, hitherto known is the Dance Panji, Samba Dance, Dance Tumenggung, Dance and Dance Rumyang Kelana / Ravana.
Mask Dance is actually a philosophy describes the disposition of human life.

1. Dance Panji: describes a holy man like a King, a wise leader, fair and wise and always doing good deeds.
2. Samba Dance: describes the glitter of worldly, possessions, women, bermewah - luxurious, glamorous. Therefore, this dance look lively and rich in movement and rhythm.
3. Dance Tumenggung: is a picture of the soldier's life attitude and valiant heroism. full dedication, loyalty and high responsibility.
4. Dance Kelana / Ravana: describe anger, human nature is greedy and justifies any means to achieve his personal ambitions. But he also was the leader of a wealthy, have a tough worldly.
Seeing the mask dance tradition, our observations can not be separated with equipment that is used as mentioned below:

1. Mask / masks made of wood and how to wear it with a biting rubber pads on the inside of her.
2. Sobra as headgear equipped with jamangan and two sumping.
3. Sleeved shirt.
4. Tie which is equipped with a pin Ukon (ancient currency)
5. Mongkron lokoan made of batik.
6. Stagen belt equipped Badong.
7. Limited pants below the knee.
8. Sampur / shawl
9. Bracelet hand
10. Kris
11. White knee socks
12. Batik fabrics
13. Sometimes - sometimes equipped with boro (epek)

In addition to the above completeness clothes sometimes - Mask Dance Tumenggung occasionally to use additional form of ikat cloth headgear and is equipped with a cap and glasses.
Gamelan accompaniment barreled slendro or prawa usually consisting of:

1. One pangkon bonang
2. One pangkon saron
3. One pangkon titil
4. One pangkon kenong
5. One pangkon jengglong
6. One pangkon tap
7. One pangkon klenang
8. Two kemanak
9. Three gong (kiwul, Sabet and telon)
10. A set kecrek
11. Drum set consisting of: kempyang, gendung, ketiping. Everything is played with a bat, except for the Mask Dance Tumenngung ordinary drum that is played in slap / hit with a hand.
Song - songs that accompany are:

* Kembangsungsang to Panji Mask
* Kembangkapas to Mask Pemindo
* Rumyang to Mask Rumyang
* Tumenggung to Mask Tumenggung
* Barlen to Mask Jinggaanom
* Gonjing to Kelana Mask
Also included with the songs and song tratagan puppet war in time of war between Tumenggung and Jinggaanom.
It's good to increase our knowledge together to know the type - different forms sobra:

* Sobra Sulu sheet
* Orange parallel Sobra
* Sobra Gedang searip
* Sobra Merang segedeng
By knowing the way the art of traditional dance in Cirebon in particular it is clear we are required to attempt to devour the art is not the time and left behind by generations to come.

Sunyaragi is the name of a unique heritage of Indonesia

Sunyaragi is the name of a unique heritage of Indonesia. Sunyaragi located in the village Sunyaragi, kesambi, Kota Cirebon where there is a temple-like building called the Cave Sunyaragi, or Sunyaragi Water Park, or often called Castle Sunyaragi sebgaai. The name "Sunyaragi" comes from the word "Sunya" which means it is quiet and "leaven" which means the body, are both Sanskrit. The main objective is the establishment of the cave as a place of rest and meditation of the Sultan of Cirebon and his family.

Sunyaragi Cave is one of the objects of cultural heritage located in Cirebon city with an area of about 15 hectares. The object of this cultural heritage is on the road by pass Brig Dharsono, Cirebon. Construction and composition of building this site is a water park. Because it is called Cave Sunyaragi Sunyaragi cave water park. In ancient times the cave complex is surrounded by a lake that is Lake Teak. Locations where there used to Teak Lake is now dry and impassable roads by pass Brig Dharsono, Situngkul river, the location of Gas Power Plant, owned by PLN Sunyaragi, rice paddies and into settlements. Also in the cave there are many artificial waterfall as an ornamental, and garden ornaments such as elephants, statues of the Virgin Sunti woman, and the Statue of Garuda. Sunyaragi Cave is one part of the palace is now the palace Kasepuhan Pakungwati.

Sunyaragi Castle complex is divided into two parts, namely rest house and building a cave. Part pesanggrahan equipped with a foyer, bedroom, bathroom, dressing room, prayer room and surrounded by gardens complete with pond. Building shaped mountain caves of the mountains, equipped with connecting tunnels and underground waterways. The exterior of the complex I patterned rocks and clouds. Outside the gate of the temple shaped a while and it shaped door paduraksa.

Parent Peteng entire cave called Cave (Cave of Darkness) used to meditate. In addition there are special cave Pande Packaging used for weapons-making workshops as well as storage. Supplies and food are stored in the Cave Pawon soldiers. Cave Guards located at the bottom to place guard the guards. When the Sultan received subordinates to agree, use Jinem Ward, but when the Sultan of rest in Mande shard. Cave Medium Padang Ati (Heart Light), a special place imprisoned the Sultan.
Plan Sunyaragi Cave

Although their functions vary according to the will of the ruler of his day, largely stopped Sunyaragi is the park where the authorities palace and palace soldiers imprisoned for improving science kanuragan. Parts consists of 12